
The ACAATO Connection


The Association of Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology of Ontario (ACAATO) is the advocacy and marketing association of Ontario's twenty five colleges. ACAATO represents the collective views of college Boards, Chairs and Presidents. The mandate is to "advance a strong college system for Ontario" (2000.) Colleges receive ACCATO's services of advocacy and communications, research and policy development, information sharing, new training business and professional development. The Association is comprised of member colleges on a voluntary basis and dues are submitted according to enrolment. ACAATO is located in Toronto and a review of the association can be found on their website.

The Committee structure of ACAATO is valuable in advancing changes and new initiatives that face the college system. Each college community is represented through their college Board of Governors, Presidents, and various staff representatives to committees.

Major decisions are made at the ACAATO Board of Governors level with 25 Presidents and 25 Board Chairs represented.

5 System-wide CAAT Coordinating Committees identify and forward issues to be addressed to the Committee of Presidents and the ACAATO Board of Governors. Initially, issues are to be investigated and resolved within the various committees and may be brought forward for action by the Coordinating Committee.

CCDI reports to the Coordinating Committee on Student Services (CCSS) and has full representation from the twenty-five colleges. Most years, CCDI has had a liaison representative from the Coordinating Committee. This representative assists with communication and recommendations between CCDI and CCSS, as well as with other system committees and the Committee of Presidents when appropriate.

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