

The College Committee on Disability Issues (CCDI) has made extraordinary contributions to the post-secondary education system of Ontario. The outcomes of CCDI's leadership and influence are the direct result of member's collective enthusiasm and dedication for students and the issues brought forward. CCDI's diverse and multiple accomplishments are evident in system processes, such as the college application form and self-identification; and, the Bursary for Students with Disabilities through the Ontario Student Award Program.

Professional accomplishments are evident within service delivery, as in the Special Connections Newsletter, The Philosophy and Policies Document; and, the Research Subsidy.

CCDI has also assisted various government bodies such as The Transcription Services Steering Committee, The Royal Commission on Learning, Review of College Programs for adults with Developmental Handicaps, and, the Inter-ministerial Working Group on Learning Disabilities. Although the following alphabetized list is not exhaustive, it indicates the vast scope of CCDI's activities.

• Accommodations for Licensing Exams
• Case Studies Document
• CCDI list-serve
• CCDI Research Subsidy
• Commission on Services for Deaf and Hard-of-Hearing students
• Employment Equity
• General Education, Generic Skills, & Prior Learning Assessment Councils
• Interpreter Fund
• Guidelines for the Provision of Interpreters and Computerized Note-takers
• Inter-ministerial Task Force on Learning Disabilities
• Ontarians with Disabilities Act
• Ontario Articulation Network
• Ontario Training and Adjustment Board Working Group
• Philosophy and Policies, CCSN
• Post-Secondary Special Education Training Program
• Post-Secondary Transcription Service Implementation Committee
• Program Demands Analysis Package (Print and Electronic Versions)
• Recognition and Facilitation of French Language Use in Colleges
• Royal Commission on Learning
• Royal Commission on Workers' Compensation
• Special Needs Data Collection Instrument
• Special Needs Resource Centre
• Special Needs Statistical Report
• Survey of Services
• System-wide Accessibility and Retrofit Survey and Allocation
• Task Force on Transcription Services
• The Bursary for Students with Disabilities, OSAP
• The Glenn Crombie Memorial Award
• The Handbook for Success: Special Needs
• The Special Needs Allocation
• Training for Success
• Vocational Rehabilitation Services Transition Committee


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© 2010 CCDI (College Committee on Disability Issues)
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