
CCDI Executive Members: Roles and Responsibilities

The Positions of the College Committee on Disability Services have commonalties in that;
a) each position is assumed by a direct service provider of services to students with Disability Services, and
b) the individual college that the representative is from supports all CCDI positions.

Position Description - Chair, College Committee on Disability Issues

The Chair of CCDI provides leadership to the membership and represents all issues, concerns and recommendations on behalf of the Committee. The Chair directs and ensures the fulfillment of CCDI's mandate, mission, philosophy, policies and procedures. In the year previous, the Chair has fulfilled the specific responsibilities of the Chair Elect.

Specific Responsibilities:

• receives and distributes information to the membership
• sets the agenda, convenes and presides over meetings of the Executive Committee and the CCDI Membership
• ensures that executive, provincial and special meetings proceed effectively, allowing all representatives to participate
• ensures all agenda items are covered and acted upon
• assigns a recorder (usually the Chair Elect) of recommendations and minutes
• reviews DRAFT copies of the prepared recommendations and minutes as received from the Chair Elect
• receives correspondence directed to the Committee and facilitates responses to inquiries as required
• reviews the ideas and recommendations of CCDI members, Special Interest Groups, and Liaison members
• acts on the recommendations by initiating communication with appropriate individuals and groups
• represents the system-wide disability issues and recommendations of CCDI
• provides ongoing communication with the Co-ordinating Committee on Student Services, Ministry of Training Colleges and Universities and other partners
• assumes the authority to make decisions when immediate response and representation of CCDI is required

Position Description - Chair Elect, College Committee on Disability Issues

The Chair Elect of CCDI assists the Chair as needed. He/she represents CCDI at the request of the Chair. He/she is nominated and elected by a majority of the executive at the Annual General Meeting of the previous year. The Chair Elect proceeds to the position of Chair in the following year.

Specific Responsibilities:

• records the recommendations and minutes of all Executive Committee and Provincial Committee meetings
• forwards a DRAFT outline of the recommendations and minutes to the Chair for review and approval
• revises the recommendations and minutes when needed and prepares final documentation
• distributes the Minutes of the Executive Committee to Executive members
• distributes the Minutes of the Provincial Committee meetings to all CCDI representatives
• passes on all records and documentation to the next Chair Elect
• represents the Chair and the Chair's duties at the request of the Chair or in the event that the Chair is unable to fulfil their responsibilities
• represents CCDI at the request of the Chair and/or the Representatives

Positions - Regional and French College Executive Representatives

These positions are assumed by elected representatives from each geographical region of Ontario. The Eastern, Central, Northern, Western Regions and a representative of French language colleges are included in this group. Each Regional and French Language representative attends the meetings of the Executive Committee of CCDI and communicates the issues, concerns and recommendations of the colleges in their region.

Specific Responsibilities:

• sets the agenda, convenes and presides over Regional Meetings
• records recommendations and minutes of the Regional Meetings
• distributes the Minutes of Regional Meetings to Regional Representatives
• relays current issues, discussions and decisions of the Executive Committee to their Regional/French representatives
• distributes the Minutes of the Executive Meetings to Regional Representatives
• attends all meetings of the Executive Committee and Provincial CCDI
• takes responsibility and acts on specific project issues for CCDI
• represents the ideas and input of their Region/French members
• participates in the planning and implementation of the Annual General Meeting of CCDI, when it occurs in their geographical area

Position - Past Chair, College Committee on Disability Issues

The Past Chair position is filled by the previous year's Chair of CCDI. This individual remains on the Executive Committee for one more year in a transition capacity, assisting the Executive Committee when needed.

Specific Responsibilities:

• attends all meetings of the Executive Committee and Provincial Reps
• advises CCDI regarding past issues, recommendations and actions within their experiences and roles with CCDI and the Executive Committee
• may represent CCDI on specific tasks at the request of CCDI

Position - College Representatives: College Committee on Disability Issues

His or her individual college has appointed each college representative on CCDI. They are a practitioner in the area of Disability Services, familiar with this unique population of students and the issues encountered in the college environment. Contributions flow from the college representative, to the regional group, and on to the province for collective action.

Specific Responsibilities:

• attends all Regional and Provincial Meetings of CCDI
• represents the ideas, concerns, issues and experiences of their specific college on issues related to disability services
• votes on issues, on behalf of their college
• participates in the formulation of recommendations both regionally and provincially
• implements the recommendations on system-wide issues, policies and practices affecting students with disabilities
• participates in the Special Interest Groups of CCDI when appropriate
• communicates the advancements of CCDI within their college, with particular emphasis on the implementation of services for students with disabilities

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