
Financial Resources for Students with Disabilities, continued:
Student Housing Accommodation Residential Exchange Inc. (SHARE INC.):

• set up in 1994 to create free housing for post-secondary students, across Canada
• for students who need to deal with increasing costs of education, without the stress of rent
• operates as a direct one to one "exchange" of rooms within homes i.e. Students trade places in each other's homes so they can attend colleges in that community
Human Resources Development Canada:

In April 1998, The First Report of the Standing Committee on Human Resources Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities was published. It emphasizes that Canada's most important assets are found within human knowledge. The report recommends and describes federal support for access to post-secondary education, to encourage learning.

The report identifies; relevant research, unemployment rates, post-secondary enrollment rates, government commitments, financial assistance, strategies, student debts, tax credits and relief, etc. It is a worthwhile document to review and conceptualize for institutional management, local Boards of Education and Students with disabilities.
Local College Awards/Financial Assistance:

Every college is required by MTCU to set aside 30% of the increase in tuition fees for the purp9oses of assisting students in financial need. Each college determines how it will use these funds and students are notified of application processes and procedures. Tuition bursaries and bursaries for students with extenuating financial circumstances are examples of how colleges are directing the funds. Students should be strongly encouraged to apply for these bursaries, as receipt reduces their long-term educational debt.

Colleges also have financial award programs. These programs are the result of community-based donations for students enrolled in various college programs, which meet specified criteria of the donor. Students will find that often there are awards specific to their program area, but also, there are many awards available to all students in all programs.

Professional Associations, particularly those matching your own Colleges' program offerings. Professional groups: Office Administration, Hospitality, Nursing, Computer Technology, Accountants, Investors, Industry and Science etc. may all be interested in renewing or establishing new funds for students with disabilities in their areas.

Agency/Community Awards: (to investigate in your own community)

Arthritis Societies
Canadian Hearing Societies
Canadian Institutes for the Blind
Canadian Mental Health Associations
Chronic Pain Associations
College Board of Governors' awards
Community Clubs (Kinsmen, Kiwanis,
Elks etc.)
Epilepsy Foundations
Fybromyalgia Associations
Head Injury Associations
Learning Disabilities Associations
Local OPSEU awards
Lupus Associations
Multiple Sclerosis Societies
Muscular Dystrophy Associations
Ontario March of Dimes Offices
Paraplegic Associations
Best Websites:

Once on these sites, a student has access to thousands of sources. They are easy to use and practitioners would be wise to become familiar with the registration processes and information available.
• a "one stop resource" managed by Human Resources Development Canada
• students must register and provide information about their unique needs
• matches of financial assistance with unique needs is the intended result
• provides information about the Canada Student Loan Program, Canada Study Grants, Millennium Bursaries and Excellence Awards
• provides information about the Canada Pension Plan supports for training
• the National Educational Association of Disabled Students has prepared an excellent directory of programs to assist students with disabilities and their financial needs
• provides information on government programs and disability-specific opportunities
• provides information about the Ontario Student Awards Program including the Special Bursary and the Bursary for Students with Disabilities
• provides access to a database of scholarships, bursaries, grants and other financial awards available in Canada
• students must register as a user, can then explore the site and make requests that are appropriate to their specific circumstance
• once registered, e-mail is sent to the student specific to their request

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