
Handbook of Success: Disability Services

The Handbook for Success: Disability Services is the first publication of CCDI. It was produced in cooperation with ACAATO and was provided to all colleges. The intent was, and continues to be, "to provide a descriptive overview and working knowledge on the ways and means of dealing" with students with disabilities (1988, CCDI). It is an informative and helpful bank of data for use by all college personnel.

Ms. Gail Easton led the task of producing the Handbook. Several colleges contributed to the contents and advised on the format. The result is a meaningful resource for all staff within Ontario's colleges. The Handbook for Success is a direct result of recommendation #18 of the Task Force on College Services to Disabled Students. The dissemination of this useful tool occurred in 1988.

Units of the handbook contain basic descriptions of disabilities, information on assessment and suggestions for learning that help students to succeed. A bibliography is provided with each unit.

With this information staff could, and should, become actively involved in removing the barriers for students with disabilities. There are ten units within the handbook. Units I and II deal with some of the systemic issues facing students with disabilities. Discussion and solutions are offered for consideration. The remaining eight units deal with various categories of disability including learning disabilities, visual impairments, hearing impairments, physical impairments, emotional and social problems and developmental handicaps. Finally, there is a section outlining technology supports for students with disabilities.

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