
The Special Needs Allocation:

In November, 1987, the Government of Ontario announced the 1988-89 operating support for Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology. Within this announcement, the Government identified their priority of "the accommodation of students with disabilities" (1988). An additional $3.1 million was made available to the college system to assist colleges to make the adjustments necessary for such accommodations. Since 1987, the Ministry announces special allocations annually in a Memorandum to the Presidents of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology.
The Special Needs Allocation is intended:

• to supplement colleges' expenses to meet the legal obligations of the Human Rights Code
• to be used for the provision and improvement of disability services offices, consulting/assessing, support services/devices and professional development activities regarding disabilities
The Special Needs Allocation is not intended:
• to cover all costs associated with accommodations; colleges are expected to utilize operating funds and/or other financial means to meet obligations
• for capital items such as retrofits to college facilities
• to provide compensation for faculty whose workload may have increased as a result of dealing with students with disabilities
• to be used for "special" programs
• to fund college expenses such as purchases, salaries and administrative costs other than those related to students with disabilities

The Special Needs Allocation is distributed among the colleges through a formula based on the number of Full Time Equivalents (FTEs), with each college's share being equal to its share of the General Purpose Operating Grant. A $100,000.00 base allocation is applied to each college before the remainder of the allocation is distributed by this formula. Colleges are required to submit narrative and financial reports annually regarding the use of the allocation and the outcomes achieved. Narrative sections should describe what new and/or increased services and accommodations resulted which allowed or improved access to the college for students with disabilities. The financial section should show budgeted and actual expenditures for the fiscal year. The Ministry has established a standard report format to be used by all colleges. Once the report is reviewed and approved, colleges are provided with their entitlement.

In 1998, The Ministry of Community and Social Services (MCSS) transferred funds for the purposes of assisting colleges to provide former Vocational Rehabilitation Services clients with the appropriate supports to facilitate continued access to post-secondary education. The transferred funds are now united with the Special Needs Allocations for distribution.

Ministry letters and memoranda on special needs issues are sent to college Presidents and/or the directors/coordinators to keep CCDI members informed.

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