
Past Chairs Of CCDI

1988-1989 Karen Shaw, Cambrian College
1989-1990 Bette Ferguson, Niagara College
1990-1991 Rachel Matthews, Mohawk College
1991-1992 Dave Robertson, Centennial College
1992-1993 Susan Alcorn MacKay, Cambrian College
1993-1994 Marguerite Wales, George Brown College
1994-1995 Catherine O'Rourke, Loyalist College
1995-1996 Laurie Barbeau, Sault College
1996-1997 Giles Prescott, Niagara College
1997-1998 Andrea Main, St. Clair College
1998-1999 Craig Barrett, Humber College
1999-2000 Sylvia Laidman, Mohawk College
2000-2001 Irene Volinets, Centennial College

CCSN was given the task of advising the Committee of Presidents on 19 of the 21 recommendations outlined by the Task Force. To achieve this, committee members were expected to identify, research and make appropriate recommendations on system-wide issues and related matters affecting students with special needs.

Approximately ten years after its establishment, the College Committee on Special Needs became the College Committee on Disability Issues (CCDI). Direct accountability to the College Presidents has reverted to a reporting relationship through the Committee structure of the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology (ACAATO). (This relationship is depicted in Section 2).

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