
Recommendations to the Minister by the Committee of Presidents, 1987:

1. That the Committee of Presidents adopt the "Principles" governing "Accessibility of College
Programs and Services to Persons with Special Needs"
(1986, Task Force, pp 6-16);

2. That the Committee of Presidents recommend to the Minister that the government adopt the preceding "Principles" governing "Accessibility of College Programs and Services to Persons with Special Needs ".
(1986, Task Force, pp 6-16);

3. That the Colleges develop and implement specific strategies to ensure that activities associated with the admissions process - from publications through recruitment, application, eligibility/selection, acceptance, registration to orientation - are consistent with the statement of "Principles"
(1986, Task Force, pp 6-16);

4. That the Colleges, in collecting and recording data on individual students with special needs, act in a manner consistent with the principle of self-identification;

5. That Colleges complete a physical and cognitive demands analysis of all programs as a routine part of the process of establishing and rationalizing admission requirements;

6. That the Colleges utilize the "Special Needs Service Profiles" as a means of identifying the learning needs of students with special needs and that, furthermore, based on actual experience, these profiles be continuously refined;

7. That the Colleges develop strategies to ensure that the delivery of all academic programming is consistent with the statement of "Principles"

(1986, Task Force, pp 6-16);

8. That the Committee of Presidents develop physical plant standards, to serve special needs students, consistent with the minimum requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

9. That a checklist (self-assessment tool) be developed for use in colleges to supplement the facility audits and to provide uniform interpretations of appropriate requirements;

10. That the Colleges conduct a uniform audit of physical plant facilities based upon the legislative and building code requirements of a special needs student population;

11. That the Committee of Presidents endorse modifications beyond the minimal requirements of the Ontario Building Code;

12. That the Colleges, when acquiring new facilities, demonstrate adherence to the statement of standards for physical plant facilities with regard to the requirements of a special needs student population;

13. That the Colleges, where a choice exists, lease facilities which meet the minimum physical plant standards to service a special needs student population;

14. That the Committee of Presidents initiate the development of a set of contingency strategies which ensure the safety of special needs students in the event of emergencies and that such contingency strategies be distributed to each college to be used in conjunction with similar strategies developed at the local level;

15. That every College establish/identify a Special Needs Office;

16. That the Committee of Presidents establish a College Committee on Special Needs Students.

17. That the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and the Ministry of Skills establish/identify a Special Needs Office;

18. That the Committee of Presidents fund the development and maintenance of appropriate College resources and materials to sensitize staff and students to the unique needs, capabilities and potential of a special student population;

19. That a one percent (1%) increase in the operating grants to Colleges be added to the base to address the on-going costs associated with the provision of services and academic activities to a special needs student population;

20. That the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and the Ministry of Skills Development review the current criteria and definitions for financial support to students to accommodate the unique circumstances of students with special needs;

21. That the general purpose allocation be increased by twelve (12) million dollars for each of the next three years to assist colleges in retrofitting existing facilities.

As a result of the subcommittees' analyses and legal interpretations, thirteen principles and twenty-one recommendations were formed and outlined. Specifically, Section 15, the Equality Rights section of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and Section 1 of the Ontario Human Rights Code provided the effect to "balance the rights of persons with disabilities with the right of colleges to manage their operations efficiently" (1986, p 8). The Report was widely distributed and prompted multiple actions and reactions within the college system.

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