
Terms of Reference

The Executive Committee of the College Committee on Disability Issues (CCDI) reports to the Coordinating Committee on Student Services (CCSS), which in turn, reports to the Committee of Presidents (CoP) of the Association of Colleges of Applied Arts & Technology of Ontario (ACAATO).

(Approved by the Membership at CCDI Provincial Meeting, February 8, 2000.)
Role And Function

CCDI shall act as an advisory body to CCSS to identify, research and make appropriate recommendations on system-wide issues, policies and practices affecting students with disabilities, and from time to time, undertake specific assignments as directed by or for submission to CCSS.


Under the umbrella of CCSS, CCDI will act as a resource to recommend policies and procedures for the implementation of services to students with disabilities. As a province-wide committee, CCDI will distribute the most recent information about serving students with disabilities.

CCDI will identify, research and make recommendations for consideration by the CoP through the CCSS.

CCDI will, on occasion, develop and distribute resources and material to sensitize staff and students to the unique needs, capabilities and potential of students with disabilities. CCDI will undertake specific projects as appropriate. The CCDI Executive Committee will maintain close liaison with the Policy Analyst Liaison staff member(s) of the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities (MTCU).


Each college shall designate one individual, who has a direct role involving the provision of services to students with disabilities within that college, to be their college representative. All other individuals working in the Disability Services Office are eligible for membership in CCDI.

The Executive Committee is composed of the Chair, Chair-elect, Past Chair, and five Representatives; one each for the Eastern, Western, Northern, Central Regions and a French College Representative. The CCSS Representative and the MTCU Liaison shall be ex-officio members of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee may appoint other ex officio members as appropriate, i.e. treasurer.


The Chair and Chair-elect shall be elected by a majority of the Executive Committee during the Executive Committee Meeting held immediately before the Annual General Meeting (usually in June of each year). The Executive Committee Regional Representatives shall be elected by a majority of votes of the College Representatives in their respective region.

Term of Office:

The Chair and Chair-Elect shall fulfill one term in office. A term constitutes a one-year period commencing July 1st. The Executive Committee Representatives shall serve two-year terms with a staggered election cycle to ensure that at least two Representatives are carrying over their term each year. Provided there is a majority of support from the respective region, an Executive Regional Representative may sit on the Executive Committee for more than one term.

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