
Orientation For Success

Table of contents to "A Resource Guide for College Representatives of the College Committee on Disability Issues"

Chapter 1
The College Committee on Disability Issues
Terms of Reference: CCDI
The Annual General Meeting
Terms of Reference: Special Interest Groups
The Research Subsidy
The Glenn Crombie Memorial Award
Executive Members Roles and Responsibilities
CCDI's Philosophy and Policies

Chapter 2
History of the College Committee on Disability Issues
Principles and Recommendations from Task Force, 1986
Rec. to the Minister by Committee of Presidents, 1987
The College Committee on Special Needs
Past Chairs of CCDI
Special Needs Offices
Achievements of CCSN/CCDI
Special Needs Statistical Reports
Data Collection
The Special Needs Allocation

Chapter 3
The ACAATO Connection
Committee Structure

Chapter 4
Legislation and Guiding Documents--CCDI
Legislation and Guiding Documents
Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms
Ontario Human Rights Code, 1981
Policy and Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate
Policy/Guidelines on Disability and the Duty to Accommodate, pg 2
Duties and Responsibilities in the Accommodation Process
Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990
Ontario Government Special Needs Allocation
Categories of the Special Needs Allocation
The Bursary for Students With Disabilities, OSAP
Institutional Policies

Chapter 5
The Handbook for Success: Disability Services
Training for Success: Disability Services
Educational Support Services
Assistive Devices Program
Attendant Outreach Services
Financial Resources for Students with Disabilities

Chapter 6
Student Profiles, CCDI
Introduction, Student Profiles
Student Profiles: Hearing Impaired
Student Profiles: Learning Disability
Student Profiles: Medical Conditions
Student Profiles: Mobility Impaired
Student Profiles: Visually Impaired
Student Profile: Psychological Impairments

Chapter 7
References for this Document

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